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Nightmare Detective

A children's novel (middle grade, to be exact), by Monk Inyang! because of the subject matter, the images had to be visually arresting but at the same time not too glum, since it was for children (but still, was about supernatural nightmares).

I interpreted all that to mean I had to shift the detail to the figures and elements that put the main characters and ideas into focus, so most of the rendering was done on the antagonists and occasionally on the backgrounds, if they were framing the heroes. All in all, 14 chapter covers were produced.

The book will be launched in 2018 to some stellar reviews for both Monk's wonderful writing and the art as well!

More info at:

Chapter 1! Funny story is that I penciled this to ink it to pencil it again; meaning I'd drawn and inked it, but Monk decided it would look best to keep it somewhat softer, so I digitally drew over the inks with some different brush effects.

Chapter 1! Funny story is that I penciled this to ink it to pencil it again; meaning I'd drawn and inked it, but Monk decided it would look best to keep it somewhat softer, so I digitally drew over the inks with some different brush effects.

Chapter 2. Since we did these pages in batches of 3, I did the same reverse-engineering thing with this cover as well as Chapter 1.

Chapter 2. Since we did these pages in batches of 3, I did the same reverse-engineering thing with this cover as well as Chapter 1.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 14. A variety of pop culture references in this one, as requested by Monk, but also with a few easter eggs thrown in by myself.

Chapter 14. A variety of pop culture references in this one, as requested by Monk, but also with a few easter eggs thrown in by myself.