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Deathgrip #1

Pages from the 7-page comic pitch I did for a client in late 2016/early 2017. The story was described as a Buffy The Vampire Slayer-esque teenage demon-hunter who realizes and begins to hone her abilities.

I feel like my job is always to give away as much of the dialogue as I can with just the images, or to really tell the story so that it wouldn't need words. I think I really achieved that, especially on page 1 and 4.

Main Cover

Main Cover

Alternate Cover

Alternate Cover

Page 1 (a dream sequence)

Page 1 (a dream sequence)

Page 2 (waking up but realizing the spiritual realm)

Page 2 (waking up but realizing the spiritual realm)

Page 3 (entering the spiritual realm)

Page 3 (entering the spiritual realm)

Page 4 (fighting the demon who realize her)

Page 4 (fighting the demon who realize her)

Page 5 (defeating the demon)

Page 5 (defeating the demon)

Page 6 (returning to the physical world, unnoticed)

Page 6 (returning to the physical world, unnoticed)